The Home Assistant Cloud allows you to effortlessly use your Home Assistant with various cloud services like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, but also provides remote access to your Home Assistant instance without having to deal with dynamic DNS, SSL certificates, and opening ports on your router.
Spook enhances the Home Assistant Cloud integration by creating a device for it and adding a series of entities that can be used in your dashboards, automations, and scripts.
Devices & entitiesยถ
Spook adds a single new device with entities for this integration to your Home Assistant instance.
Default entity ID: switch.cloud_alexa
This allows you to fully enable/disable integrating your instance with Amazon Alexa.
Alexa state reportingยถ
Default entity ID: switch.cloud_alexa_report_state
Allows you to control the state reporting to Alexa from an entity. If you enable state reporting, Home Assistant will send all state changes of exposed entities to Amazon. This allows you to always see the latest states in the Alexa app and use the state changes to create routines.
Google Assistantยถ
Default entity ID: switch.cloud_google_assistant
This allows you to fully enable/disable integrating your instance with Google Assistant.
Google Assistant state reportingยถ
Default entity ID: switch.cloud_google_assistant_report_state
Allows you to control the state reporting to Google Assistant from an entity. If you enable state reporting, Home Assistant will send all state changes of exposed entities to Google. This allows you to always see the latest states in the Google Home app and use the state changes to create routines.
Default entity ID: switch.cloud_remote
This allows you to enable/disable remote access to your Home Assistant instance from the web.
Spook does not provide action enhancements for this integration.
Spook has no repair detections for this integration.
Uses casesยถ
Some use cases for the enhancements Spook provides for this integration:
- Disable remote access to your Home Assistant instance when you are home, using an automation; and automatically enable it again when you leave your home.
- Disable Alexa integration when you are not at home using an automation.
- Disable Google Assistant integration when you are not at home using an automation.
Blueprints & tutorialsยถ
There are currently no known blueprints or tutorials for the enhancements Spook provides for this integration. If you created one or stumbled upon one, please let us know in our discussion forums.
Features requests, ideas, and supportยถ
If you have an idea on how to further enhance this integration, for example, by adding a new action, entity, or repairs detection; feel free to let us know in our discussion forums.
Are you stuck using these new features? Or maybe youโve run into a bug? Please check the Support page on where to go for help.