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Provided Home Assistant actions

Ready? Set? Action! 🎬

Spook provides quite a lot of new actions to Home Assistant. This reference page lists them all and points you to the right documentation for that action.

Areas: Create an areaΒΆ

Instantly create new rooms in your home. #BobTheBuilder

homeassistant.create_area, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Areas: Delete an areaΒΆ

Just like that, you made an area of your home disappear. #DemolitionMan

homeassistant.delete_area, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Areas: Add an alias to an areaΒΆ

Adds an alias (or multiple aliases) to an area. #aka

homeassistant.add_alias_to_area, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Remove an alias from an areaΒΆ

Removes an alias (or multiple aliases) from an area. #broom

homeassistant.remove_alias_from_area, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Set aliases for an areaΒΆ

Sets the aliases for an area. #useless

homeassistant.set_area_aliases, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Add a device to an areaΒΆ

Dynamically add/move a device to a new area. #moveit

homeassistant.add_device_to_area, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Remove a device from an areaΒΆ

Dynamically remove a device from an area. #poef

homeassistant.remove_device_from_area, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Add an entity to an areaΒΆ

Dynamically add/move an entity to an area. #bam

homeassistant.add_entity_to_area, Try this action, documentation

Areas: Remove an entity from an areaΒΆ

Dynamically remove an entity from an area. #AaaaandItIsGone

homeassistant.remove_entity_from_area, Try this action, documentation

Blueprint: Import BlueprintΒΆ

Downloads and imports an automation/script blueprint, directly from the URL you pass into this action. #noquestionsasked

blueprint.import, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š


This action call will just always spook the hell out of Home Assistant. Home Assistant will shit its pants and abort the automation or script. #spooked, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Delete all orphaned entitiesΒΆ

Deletes all orphaned entities that no longer have an integration that claim/provide them. Please note, if the integration was just removed, it might need a restart for Home Assistant to realize they are orphaned. #annie

homeassistant.delete_all_orphaned_entities, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Device: DisableΒΆ

This action can be used to disable a device on the fly. #whatever

homeassistant.disable_device, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Device: EnableΒΆ

Guess what... this action does the reverse of Device: Disable. #noway

homeassistant.disable_device, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Entity: DisableΒΆ

This action can be used to disable a entity on the fly. #rocketship

homeassistant.disable_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Entity: EnableΒΆ

Really... this action does the reverse of Entity: Disable. #true

homeassistant.enable_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Entity: HideΒΆ

This action can be used to hide a entity on the fly. #secret

homeassistant.hide_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Entity: UnhideΒΆ

Do the math... this action does the reverse of Entity: Hide. #reveal

homeassistant.unhide_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Entity: Update IDΒΆ

This action can be used to update the ID of an entity on the fly. #secret

homeassistant.hide_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Create a floorΒΆ

Instantly create a new floor in your home. #StackItUp

homeassistant.create_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Delete a floorΒΆ

Just like that, a whole floor is gone. #Illusionist

homeassistant.delete_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Add an alias to a floorΒΆ

Adds an alias (or multiple aliases) to a floor. #aka

homeassistant.add_alias_to_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Remove an alias from a floorΒΆ

Removes an alias (or multiple aliases) from a floor. #broom

homeassistant.remove_alias_from_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Set aliases for a floorΒΆ

Sets the aliases for a floor. #useless

homeassistant.set_floor_aliases, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Add an area to a floorΒΆ

Dynamically add/move an area to a new floor. #moveit

homeassistant.add_area_to_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Floors: Remove an area from a floorΒΆ

Dynamically remove an area from a floor. #poef

homeassistant.remove_area_from_floor, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Ignore all discovered devices & servicesΒΆ

Click ignore on all discovered items on the integration dashboard; optionally only for specific integration (like, bluetooth). #talktothehand

homeassistant.ignore_all_discovered, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input number: Decrease valueΒΆ

Override of the existing action, which provides the option to specify the amount to decrease the value by. #evenlower

input_number.decrement, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input number: Increase valueΒΆ

Override of the existing action, which provides the option to specify the amount to increase the value by. #moreoptions

input_number.increment, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input number: Set maximum valueΒΆ

Set the value of an input number entity to the maximum value. #maxout

input_number.max, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input number: Set minimum valueΒΆ

Set the value of an input number entity to the maximum value.

input_number.min, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input select: Select random optionΒΆ

This action selects a random option from the list of options of a select entity. Optionally this can be limited to a set of given options. #shuffle

input_select.random, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input select: Shuffle optionsΒΆ

Shuffles the list of selectable options for an input select entity. #31254

input_select.shuffle, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Input select: Sort optionsΒΆ

Sorts the list of selectable options for an input select entity. #12345

input_select.sort, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Integration: DisableΒΆ

This action can be used to disable a integration configuration entry (those you see on your integrations dashboard) on the fly. #bye

homeassistant.disable_config_entry, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Integration: EnableΒΆ

Be amazed... this action does the reverse of Integration: Disable. #mindblown

homeassistant.enable_config_entry, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Integration: Disable polling for updatesΒΆ

This action can be used to disable polling for updates on an integration configuration entry (those you see on your integrations dashboard). #stopit

homeassistant.disable_polling, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Integration: Enable polling for updatesΒΆ

This action can be used to enable polling for updates on an integration configuration entry (those you see on your integrations dashboard). This service does the reverse of Integration: Disable polling for updates #poking

homeassistant.enable_polling, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Create a labelΒΆ

Instantly create a new label in your home. #LabelMaker

homeassistant.create_label, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Delete a labelΒΆ

Just like that, a whole label is gone. #RipItOff

homeassistant.delete_label, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Add a label to an areaΒΆ

Adds a label (or multiple labels) to an area. #TagIt

homeassistant.add_label_to_area, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Remove a label from an areaΒΆ

Removes a label (or multiple labels) from an area. #UntagIt

homeassistant.remove_label_from_area, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Add a label to a deviceΒΆ

Adds a label (or multiple labels) to a device. #TagIt

homeassistant.add_label_to_device, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Remove a label from a deviceΒΆ

Removes a label (or multiple labels) from a device. #UntagIt

homeassistant.remove_label_from_device, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Add a label to an entityΒΆ

Adds a label (or multiple labels) to an entity. #TagIt

homeassistant.add_label_to_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Labels: Remove a label from an entityΒΆ

Removes a label (or multiple labels) from an entity. #UntagIt

homeassistant.remove_label_from_entity, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Number: Decrease valueΒΆ

Decrease the value of a number entity, either by a single step or by a provided amount. #downboy

number.decrement, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Number: Increase valueΒΆ

Increase the value of a number entity, either by a single step or by a provided amount. #up #greatmovie

number.increment, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Number: Set maximum valueΒΆ

Set the value of a number entity to the maximum value. #maxout

number.max, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Number: Set minimum valueΒΆ

Set the value of a number entity to its minimum value. #lowout

number.min, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Person: Add a device trackerΒΆ

Adds a device tracker to a person. #bigbrother

person.add_device_tracker, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Person: Remove a device trackerΒΆ

Removes a device tracker from a person. #privacy

person.add_device_tracker, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Random failΒΆ

This action call will randomly fail (and thus randomly stop your automation or script). Especially combined with continue_on_error: true this can be a great way to add useless action to your automation or script. #random

spook.random_fail, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Recorder: Import statisticsΒΆ

Advanced action to directly inject historical statistics data into the recorder’s long-term stats database. #easy

recorder.import_statistics, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Repairs: Create issueΒΆ

Battery empty? Raise an issue in Home Assistant Repairs. Although, you should probably just use a notification for this. #issues

repairs.create, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Repairs: Ignore all issuesΒΆ

Whatever issue is bothering you, just ignore it all, and all your problems will magically be gone. #allgood

repairs.ignore_all, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Repairs: Remove issueΒΆ

Removes an issue from Home Assistant Repairs. Can only remove repair issues that have been created using the repairs.create action. #trashit

repairs.remove, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Repairs: Unignore all issuesΒΆ

Will unignore all issues marked ignored and shows them all again. #faceit

repairs.unignore_all, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š


Extends the existing restart action with a β€œforce” option. Because forcing is always a good idea. #hammer

homeassistant.restart, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Select: Select random optionΒΆ

This action selects a random option from the list of options of a select entity. Optionally this can be limited to a set of given options. #random

select.random, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š

Timer: Set durationΒΆ

Set the duration for a timer entity. #timeflies

timer.set_duration, Try this action, documentation πŸ“š