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Template function


In case you are not random enough already. πŸ”€

The shuffle function provides an easy way to randomly shuffle any list of items. Either fully random, or with a seed to make the randomization reproducable.

Template function properties
FunctionRandomly shuffles a list of items
Function nameshuffle
ReturnsThe shuffled list
Return typelist of items
Can be used as a filterYes
Can be used as a testYes
Spook's influenceNewly added template function
Developer toolsTry this in the template developer tools
    items: list[Any],
    seed: [None, int, float, str] = None
) -> list[Any]
Function parameters
AttributeTypeRequiredDefault / Example
itemslist of itemsYes["a", "b", "c"]
seedNone, integer, float, stringNoNone

The items parameter can be a list of anything. The items in the list will be randomly shuffled and returned.


Using shuffle as a functionΒΆ

{{ shuffle([1, 2, 3]) }}


[2, 3, 1]

Calling the function above multiple times will always return the list in a different random order.

Using shuffle as a filterΒΆ

{{ [1, 2, 3] | shuffle }}


[3, 2, 1]

Using a seedΒΆ

A seed can be used to initialize the random number generator. The same seed will always result in the same randomization, like a randomization with a memory. This is useful if you want to have more reproducable control over the randomization.


{{ shuffle([1, 2, 3], seed=1) }}


[2, 3, 1]

Calling the function above multiple times will always return the list in the same random order.

The seed can, of course, also be used when using shuffle as a filter:

{{ [1, 2, 3] | shuffle(seed=1) }}


[2, 3, 1]

Shuffle anythingΒΆ

The examples above use a list of numbers that get shuffled, but shuffle can be used on any list of items.

{{ shuffle(["Not", "your", "homie", 1, 2, 3]) }}


["homie", 2, "Not", 3, 1, "your"]

Features requests, ideas, and supportΒΆ

If you have an idea on how to further enhance the Home Assistant template engine, for example, by adding a new template function; feel free to let us know in our discussion forums.

Are you stuck using this new feature? Or maybe you’ve run into a bug? Please check the Support page on where to go for help.