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Template function

Unix file name pattern filtering

Only let the stars ✱ shine through.

Don’t let the name of this function fool you. The fnmatch_filter function is a simple, yet, powerful tool to filter any list of text (not just lists of file names) against a pattern. It is an very easy and powerful way to filter lists against a pattern, without having to learn regular expressions.

Template function properties
FunctionFilter a lists of texts against a pattern
Function namefnmatch_filter
ReturnsThe filtered list
Return typelist of strings
Can be used as a filterYes
Can be used as a testNo
Spook's influenceNewly added template function
Developer toolsTry this in the template developer tools
    value: Iterable[str],
    pattern: str,
    case_sensitive: bool = False,
) -> List[str]
Function parameters
AttributeTypeRequiredDefault / Example
valuelist of stringsYes["Spook", "Ghost"]
case_sensitivelist of stringsNoFalse

By default, this function is not case-sensitive. This means that spook and Spook are considered the same. If you want to make the function case-sensitive, set the case_sensitive parameter to True.


The UNIX shell-style pattern is a relatively simple, easy to learn pattern matching technique, which is not the same as regular expressions.

The following characters are special characters in a pattern:

*Matches everything (and multiple characters)
?Matches any single character
[seq]Matches any character present in this sequence
[!seq]Matches any character not present in this sequence

The sequence of characters in [seq] can be a range, for example: [a-z] or [0-9], or a list of characters, for example: [abc] or [123].

If you want to match any of these special chacters (*, ?, [ or ]) literally, you must wrap them in square brackets ([]), for example: [?].

This is all technical details you need to know about the pattern matching, but let’s look at some examples.

  • Pattern spook matches spook.
  • Pattern sp*k matches spook, spooook, but also spacewalk, speak, and spank πŸ˜…
  • Pattern [hb]ook matches hook and book.
  • Pattern [!hb]ook matches cook, look (and many more), but not hook or book.
  • Pattern t?k matches tik, tok, and character in the second position, but not took.

Hopefully, this gives you a good idea of how to use the pattern matching. In practice, you probably will end up using the * and ? characters the most.


Using fnmatch filter as a functionΒΆ

{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "Ghost", "Spacewalk"], "sp*k") }}
{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "Ghost", "Spank"], "spa?k") }}


["Spook", "Spacewalk"]

Using fnmatch filter as a filterΒΆ

{{ ["Spook", "Ghost", "Spacewalk"] | fnmatch_filter("sp*k") }}
{{ ["Spook", "Ghost", "Spank"] | fnmatch_filter("spa?k") }}


["Spook", "Spacewalk"]

Case-sensitive matchingΒΆ

By default, the fnmatch_filter function is not case-sensitive. This means that spook and Spook are considered the same. If you want to make the function case-sensitive, set the case_sensitive parameter to True.

{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "spook"], "sp*k", case_sensitive=True) }}
{{ fnmatch_filter(["Spook", "spook"], case_sensitive=False) }}


["Spook", "spook"]

Features requests, ideas, and supportΒΆ

If you have an idea on how to further enhance the Home Assistant template engine, for example, by adding a new template function; feel free to let us know in our discussion forums.

Are you stuck using this new feature? Or maybe you’ve run into a bug? Please check the Support page on where to go for help.